Basic First Aid Level 2 (VTQ)
Learn the basic principles of First Aid and the most essential things you can do to keep people in need alive.
Basic First Aid Level 2 (VTQ)
Don't be misled by the word "basic." This course covers some of the most important first aid skills you can learn, including recovery position, CPR, choking, bleeding, shock, burns and more.
Basic First Aid is aimed where training is needed that does not comply with HSE rules but does cover first aid subjects with no set minimum time requirements making it a flexible course for all. The course covers primary and some secondary skills allowing the flexibility to add extra subjects where needed. This course does not cover workplace training where the EFAW, FAW and Appointed Person course is better suited.
This course includes the latest CPR and Coronavirus recommendations.
All our first aid courses fully meet the latest UK and European Resuscitation Council Guidelines 2021.
The contents included in the classroom course are:
- Introduction to First Aid
- Fears of First Aid
- Fear of Helping
- Barriers – Gloves and Face-shields
- Calling for Help
- Patient Consent
- Initial Assessment/Primary Survey
- Recovery Position
- Spinal Injury
- Chain of Survival
- Heart Attack – Signs, Symptoms and Treatment
- Types of AED
- Using an AED
- Adult One Rescuer CPR
- Pregnant Ladies
- Agonal Breathing
- Compressions only CPR
- Adult CPR Handover
- Drowning
- Infant and Child CPR
- Choking – Adult and Infant
- Bleeding
- Types of bleeding
- Serious bleeding
- Minor Injury Treatment
- Types of Shock – Signs, Symptoms and Treatment
- Dislocations and Fractures
- Burns and Scalds – Assessment and Treatment
- Bites and Stings
- Epileptic Seizures
Multiple Choice Questionnaire