FAA Award in Manual Handling – Principles and Practice Level 2
The risks arising from manual handling have been recognised by the Health and Safety Executive as evidenced in their regulations and advisory notices promoting good practice. The qualification is designed for those who carry out manual handling at work and provides essential information about controls and hazards. Employers are required to take appropriate steps, including training, to reduce the risk of injury to employees who carry out any manual handling activities at work.
The risks arising from manual handling have been recognised by the Health and Safety Executive as evidenced in their regulations and advisory notices promoting good practice. The qualification is designed for those who carry out manual handling at work and provides essential information about controls and hazards. Employers are required to take appropriate steps, including training, to reduce the risk of injury to employees who carry out any manual handling activities at work. This qualification is regulated in the UK and awarded by First Aid Awards (FAA). FAA are an awarding organisation regulated by Ofqual and SQA Accreditation and the qualification sits on the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) and the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF). ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
QUALIFICATION DELIVERY The qualification has 6 assigned guided learning hours (GLH) and 7 hours total qualification time (TQT). GLH indicates the number of contact hours that the learner will undertake being taught or assessed under the immediate guidance or supervision of the trainer/assessor in the classroom. TQT includes GLH but also considers any unsupervised learning or preparation that a learner may undertake independently which could include self-study or the completion of set tasks. The minimum classroom contact time of 6 hours can be delivered in 1 day or can be completed over a maximum of 3 weeks ensuring that each session is a minimum of two hours. The learner ratio for the qualification is a maximum of 16 learners to 1 trainer/assessor.
QUALIFICATION VALIDITY The qualification does not have an expiry date but keeping up to date with changes to policies, procedures and new legislation through ongoing CPD is vital. It is strongly recommended that the learner attends annual refresher training.
QUALIFICATION ASSESSMENT The qualification is assessed through practical demonstration and written assessment and a learner must pass both assessments to be awarded the qualification. There is no grading of the assessment, learners pass or are referred. Practical assessment Learners are required to demonstrate efficient and safe manual handling principles by the successful completion of set scenarios. Written assessment The learner must pass a written assessment.
FAA Award in Manual Handling – Principles and Practice (Level 2 RQF/Level 5 SCQF)
The qualification is available to learners aged 14 or over. It is recommended that learners hold a minimum of level 1 in literacy or equivalent to undertake this qualification. It may be possible to grant a reasonable adjustment for a learner who has a disability, medical condition or learning need following the FAA Reasonable Adjustment and Special Consideration Policy. For example, assistance could be given with reading or writing. There are physical demands within the manual handling assessment and learners will need to demonstrate efficient and safe manual handling principles. If a learner has any concerns they should contact their training provider to discuss before attending the course.