FAA Level 3 Paediatric First Aid Level 3 (RQF)

This course has been developed for those who are working with children and infants. It will be of particular interest to teachers, child minders, crèche assistants, playgroup personnel and anyone else who has a responsibility for their welfare whilst in your care. It is ideal for individuals who are responsible for children and infants, who wish to gain a nationally regulated Level 3 Award.


This course has been developed for those who are working with children and infants. It will be of particular interest to teachers, child minders, crèche assistants, playgroup personnel and anyone else who has a responsibility for their welfare whilst in your care.

It is ideal for individuals who are responsible for children and infants, who wish to gain a nationally regulated Level 3 Award.

This two-day course satisfies the guidelines and criteria as laid down by the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Ofsted. In order to obtain this qualification, you must attend both days and complete the two units of accreditation.

Course Duration
This course runs over a minimum of 12 hours making up these two units consisting of theoretical and practical work. should be run over two consecutive days, but we have the flexibility to accommodate your specific needs if you so desire providing it is completed within 6 weeks of starting the course.

Syllabus, A range of subjects are covered including:

  • Responsibilities and reporting, Resuscitation, Assessment of the situation
  • Fainting, Dealing with an unresponsive casualty, Choking
  • Head injuries, Diabetes, Infantile convulsions, Foreign bodies
  • Control of bleeding, Anaphylaxia, Eye injuries, Fractures
  • Heat and Cold, Asthma, Sickle cell anaemia, Meningitis
  • Burns, Shock

Detailed information can be found in the Qualification Specification including the qualification structure and codes, entry requirements, qualification delivery, certification, Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria and assessment information

Assessment is ongoing by the instructor in respect of the student’s practical skills and there will be multiple choice question paper to answer in respect of their knowledge.

A maximum of 12 students are allowed and must be a minimum of 16 years of age with a certificate can be offered to all, subject to assessment.

Reasonable Adjustments

Learners are required to complete the assessments in a manner appropriate to the purpose of the qualification. The prescribed assessment methods for this qualification should not unfairly disadvantage learners who would otherwise be able to demonstrate competence in line with the purpose of the qualification. Learners should contact their centre to discuss reasonable adjustment if they feel the prescribed assessment methods would disadvantage them.


The qualification is available to learners aged 16 or over. Due to the practical nature of the first aid assessment there are physical demands and learners must be able to demonstrate their skills as in a real-life situation. An example of this would be to demonstrate CPR on a manikin at floor level. It is recommended that learners should hold a minimum of Level 1 in literacy or equivalent to undertake this qualification. It may be possible to allocate a reasonable adjustment to a learner who has a disability, medical condition or learning need; learners should contact their training provider to discuss. Any reasonable adjustments granted must be in line with the FAA Reasonable Adjustments Policy.


The qualification is valid for three years from the date of achievement. It is recommended that the learner attends annual refresher training. The learner will need to complete the full course again to requalify for a further three years.

COVID-19 Safe Distance Learning

We would like to re-assure our clients that our trainers are promoting a safe and hygienic environment in the training room when delivering training. This will include delegates regularly being asked to wipe their hands with alcohol based sanitiser. When carrying out CPR on the manikins the trainer has Alcohol wipes, trionic wipes and CPR Face shields as advised by our awarding body.

At present, the UK Government have made the provision that, during this period of strict lockdown, all learners should be able to access education. As the delivery of regulated qualifications falls under the description of “education”, our industry is able to continue operating – however it must do so under strict safety requirements.

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